The Sun: Our Ego— The fallen angel

The Sun: Our Ego—The Fallen Angel

The sun is a macro cosmic manifestation of our collective ego consciousness. The ego, believing it is god, has caused us to become heliocentrists.
But the sun is not the Center of it all, in fact, it is just a small luminary that works for life on Earth.
The Sun revolves around something much greater— the Milky Way’s Galactic Center or Super Massive Black Hole. If we are to compare and associate the Cosmos to our psyche, we can see how the Biblical story of Lucifer translates to the major scientific consensus of our sun today.
The story is as fallows— a beautiful angel of light with all its glory, claimed to be better than God, its’ creator. Lucifer was cast down into a realm of darkness where only it existed alone for millions of years. The Nag Hammadi describes him as the Demiurge, and mythological tales have named him Narcissus. Alone in the world— his world, that we find ourselves in, God produced human beings with free will. Thousands of years later, we are still here in a subterranean realm where there are no other signs of intelligent life.

It is no coincidence that most ancient cultures and civilizations, advanced and developing, worshiped the sun. Due to our heliocentric model, the worship continues to this day.

Growing up, I always heard the complaint, 'humans are so egotistical that for ages, we believed the sun revolved around us.' This idea masks the truth by having individuals believe they are not special, and the only ‘giver of life’ is our sun, our ego. In believing in the heliocentric model, people dismiss the notion that they are still observing the sun, their egos as the center of the universe.

According to the book of Genesis, the luminaries were created for us. Understanding this concept does not make us egomaniacs, but the opposite. We surrender our egos in the acknowledgment that there is something far more greater, far more loving than us. Becoming aware of such knowledge does mean that time will speed up as you have never felt it before. With artificial intelligence growing and technology becoming faster, it is no coincidence that this ancient gospel of YHSVH is also remembered. The sun’s recent activity is its’ response- our response to becoming aware that the heliocentric model has limited our potential to be the special, god-gifted humanity that we truly are.

What is our fullest potential?
Our potential begins when we understand, accept, and rejoice in knowing that we are eternal beings that have conquered Truth and death in this life. We are alive because of our egos, with its' necessity to live and experience life. But in doing so, we forget who we are. We forget the universal laws of the Cosmos, the infinite Majesty by which we can know through Grace, and believe the deception that duality is one. For we are not the Creator, but co-creators in an existence powered by free-will. We are not the architects of this game called life, but the players designed to lose ‘ourselves’ in the moment only to return to innocence. This is the greatest of all meditations. To feel, to hurt, to love, to lose, to join, to laugh, to die...These are all the reasons why God modeled this life. To experience our own creation.

Other Planetary
The moon, being a satellite luminary, is in part responsible for our emotions, psychological influences, intuition, and awareness. The moon is in touch with both the true nature of who we are and our shadows. The satellite brings in feed from other interactive planets, which I believe are the archetypes of our soul— a past or future sense of Self, and the gods of mythologies who represent different roles and duties in our own psyches. They are the aspects of god in us concerning love and beauty (Venus); passion and warfare (Mars); laws and obedience (Saturn); justice and paternity (Jupiter); rebellion and revolution (Uranus); abstract ideas and addiction (Neptune); communication (Mercury); and how these aspects interact with our egos (the sun) and our emotional responses (the moon).

From 2008 until 2018, I was both a heliocentrist and a liberal, believing that duality was the great deception. I now understand that duality is the reason why we are here in the first place. Hold true to your virtue and morality. Our ego, the sun, is the fallen angel who deceived all of creation; the illusion that life revolves around it. Remember this, and remember, it is not whether or not the earth is flat, it’s about which God you worship.


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