Introduction: What's in a Name?

Before we are birthed into the corporeal, we are conscious beings with a strong recollection and connection to Source. Sometimes, we bring the magic of who we are or what we once were into this reality, as a marker that signifies our depth and purpose. We name ourselves as we lay, comfortably, and secure in our mother's womb. Our names tell a story, if we can just look past societies normalization of them, we can find a magnitude of clues we left our selves, in plain sight, for the sake of better understanding of ourselves.

All names have meaning, whether they represent a thing, place, labour, or the divine incarnate...acknowledging these meanings and its' message helps to better understand ones' self and purpose. 

Where a name originated helps reveal an ancestral past. Because there are no coincidences, and all things are reflections of the subconscious, it can be noteworthy to trace this link in order to better understand the ancestry or mythological aspects surrounding your given name. If it is there, it is because you wrote it. Interact with it. Become familiar with it. This can actually accelerate the activation of memory DNA that lay dormant in your structure. 

The Records Within
DNA is the blueprint of one's soul journey. It is an integral part of awakening and fulfilling one’s destiny. These records contain a history of the Singular Collective that can be accessed through meditation and/or entheogenic assistance. Our DNA hold information of past lives (ancestry) and the history of the cosmos. I believe it is possible to retrace our existence all the way back to Majesty. 

Life is a game that we design; it unfolds and reveals itself time and time again,
in various ways, and in a multitude of forms. One of the greatest parts of playing the game is to remember all the characters you've ever played, and when you realize how these characters manifest into the person you are today, you will find the universe giving you a grand ovation. 

Beautiful Victory analyzes names through extensive research of ancestral origins, etymology, and its significance in mythology. You will receive information  in extensive detail of its origin and a finalized translation of your name.

Only $39.99

"Victoria's quest for knowledge, uncanny visionary insight, and adept level of communicating symbolic language to others, is a beautiful gift which she fully gives her self to. I found much joy, which i shared with my family, in the research and write up she did on my name. You will find this service very satisfying."

- Rev. Nazaright, Vincent Salvatore Michael Scioli (CONQUEROR, SAVIOUR, IN THE LIKENESS OF GOD, SON OF SOPHIA)

"Thank you so much, for such information, pls check out your name reading!"

-Bichthanh Thi Huyn (Brilliant Royal Gem, Feminine and Yellow)

"Amazing, thank you so much for your service! Extremely satisfied with my in-depth and thorough analysis.
Great deal, great insight. Blessed be."

-Please keep my name anonymous


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